By: Leah Duffill

NYU Committed: Jessica Ogboroge

Jessica Ogboroge, a graduating senior in the Law and Justice major, will be attending New York University this fall! In this interview, Jessica gives some brief insight on how BT has prepared her for college, the application process, and what she’s looking forward to most. 

Q & A:

  1. Please state the school from NYU you are attending and what major.

I am a Business student at Stern. 

  1. What was your overall experience at BT like?

I had a fine experience at BT, I am the biggest fan of the history department. 

  1. Do you think your major at BT will help your future career?

Yes, I’m a law major and there’s a lot of overlap in business and law.

  1. How can you apply what you learned at BT to college?

The workload and structure of the law major also mimics that of college level courses so I feel very prepared. 

  1. What made you interested in NYU?

I actually like the fact that there’s no campus, I feel like it gives you more freedom than other schools with closed campuses on acres and acres of land. 

  1. What was your application process like? Did you have to create a portfolio, if so what was the process like?

It was actually the easiest application I completed. Aside from schools with no supplemental essays, the questions they asked this year were really easy for me to answer.

  1. What do you think stuck out about your application?

I think I had a really good application and that my extracurriculars really helped me get into Stern. 

  1. Did you submit your test scores (APs and SAT/ACT)?

Yes I submitted all my scores.

  1. What plans do you intend to pursue with this major/career?

Right now, I hope to be a corporate lawyer.

  1. What do you look forward to most about college?

I look forward to living in the city for four years and all the fun and experiences that come with it. 

  1. What advice do you have for future applicants?

Don’t stress about it, there’s so many applicants and so few spots, not getting in has nothing to do with you as a person.

  1. What is one regret you have from high school?

Not taking more risks. 

  1. What are your future plans and goals?


Congratulations to Jessica and good luck to her next four years at NYU!

NYU Committed: Foster Tiersky

Foster Tiersky, a graduating senior in the Commercial Art major, will be attending New York University this fall! In this interview, Foster shares some perspective on generating your personality in your college resumé, while expressing his excitement to start new and be enriched by NYU’s culture and environment. 

Why did you choose NYU?

“The reason why I chose to go to NYU was in part because it’s such a famous and good school that has a lot of resources. I want to go to a big school that has a lot of people with it, but especially for me, the Jewish life at NYU was key because I want to go to a school where it’s easy to be observant and I’m able to meet other Jewish people….To share another reason why I’m going NYU is because I don’t really plan on associating with many people from our school after I graduate. I’m trying to move on in life and go to the next step, and I just think that something not as many people are looking forward to. I think that something that I’d definitely be able to get at NYU. ”

Additionally, Foster added that he wants to go to the art school he currently goes to in Manhattan while in college too. He used what he learned from this school to prepare for college and increase his acceptance chances and he looks forward to continuing this education in college. 

What was your application process like?

“There wasn’t that much that I did that I was focused on….It was just things that I thought would be cool to do. This would be good to do if I could and I just pursued things that I really wanted to do such as making guitars, or starting a club or group that I had a passion for. 

What stuck out about your application?

“I did study quite hard for the ACT to get a good grade on that. Generally, my grades were not even my biggest concern going through life. It was just getting the things I wanted to do done and because of that I think I have one of the best resumes out there. I’ve started and run many clubs and organizations because I’m passionate about them. I also have hobbies that I personally think are incredible, like my woodworking in my sculpture.”

Finally, the last note that Foster added was that his family has a legacy at NYU because both of his parents went there. In fact, his middle name was given to him after Hayden Hall, the dorm where his parents met. He mentioned this fact in his college essay to NYU and thought it would help his application. 

Congratulations to Foster and good luck with his next four years!

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