June Myint

Every year, Bergen Tech’s student musicians are invited to perform at Coffeehouse, a casual concert dedicated to showcasing their musical talents and celebrating young artistry. Graciously organized by Mr. Miller and supported by Mr. Rojek, each Coffeehouse brings in multiple performers a year who sing and play instruments across all genres. This year, we enjoyed a diverse blend of music styles, ranging from Elvis Presley to holiday ballads to Nirvana. Mr. Miller even made his obligatory concert cameo and played the electric guitar to the vocals of 12th grader Leah Duffil, who sang “White Christmas” and “Don’t Know Why” by Norah Jones. After 18 talented performances, the night ended with a satisfying conclusion from The Banditos, a rock band complete with drums, guitar, base, and vocals by 11th graders Felipe Feijoo, Daniel Paley, Derek Alava, and Ryan Nam. Make sure to tune in to next year’s Coffeehouse for an exciting new musical showcase and a night of artistic celebration—you may just be listening to the next up-and-coming hit performers and boy bands.

If you enjoyed Coffeehouse or are looking to attend future music productions, remember to join us for the choir and band concerts and Sounds For Hope. Stay tuned for even more showcases this year!

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