Do students prefer paper or online formats for academic assessments?

As we continue to progress technologically as a society, our reliance on these advancements simultaneously increase. In almost all commercial and governmental settings, digitalization has significantly risen over the past few decades. For instance, the utilization of online shopping through digital platforms have been adopted by a multitude of enterprises, and digitized messaging systems have … Continue reading Do students prefer paper or online formats for academic assessments?

OPINION: The 2021 Election and the Future of the Presidency

Virginia The 2021 Election had to be one of the most nail biting and disappointing days for Democrats since Trump won the 2016 election. In Virginia, the Republicans swept the 3 major races ( governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general), as well as regained control of the House of Delegates (as of writing this article, the … Continue reading OPINION: The 2021 Election and the Future of the Presidency

Do Students Succeed Better In School Or Online?

Since we have been doing classwork, listening to our teachers’ lectures, and taking part of a school community through zoom for over a year before coming back to in-person learning this school year, it is interesting to see how students have adjusted. In comparing participation, attentiveness, and even grades from online to in-person schooling, which … Continue reading Do Students Succeed Better In School Or Online?